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Inland Revenue

Tax Policy

PUBLISHED 1 August 2013

Appointment to UN tax committee

The Minister of Revenue Todd McClay today welcomed the appointment of Carmel Peters to the United Nations' Committee of Experts on International Cooperation in Tax Matters. For more information see the Minister's media statement.

Hon Todd McClay
Minister of Revenue

1 August 2013

Media statement

NZ Official Appointed to UN Tax Committee

Revenue Minister Todd McClay has welcomed the appointment of Carmel Peters to the United Nations' Committee of Experts on International Cooperation in Tax Matters.

Carmel Peters is a Policy Manager at Inland Revenue with a primary focus on international tax.

"Appointment to the UN Committee is based entirely on expertise rather than as an official representative for a nation, so this is a well-deserved honour for Ms Peters and a very strong indication of the value that the UN finds in having New Zealand represented on the Committee," says Mr McClay.

Ms Peters is the second New Zealander to be appointed to the Committee following Robin Oliver, a former Inland Revenue Deputy Commissioner.

The role of the committee, which meets once a year in Geneva for five days, is to review and update the UN model double tax convention. It also has a broad mandate to encourage international co-operation in tax matters, with special emphasis on the needs of developing countries and countries with economies in transition.

"New Zealand’s tax system is well-regarded internationally, particularly with respect to our international tax rules. New Zealand is already a very active participant in the global effort against base erosion and profit shifting, working with the OECD. Continued representation of New Zealand on the UN Committee means that we will be able to contribute even more,” says Mr McClay.

Media contact: Rob Eaddy 027 459 6200