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Inland Revenue

Tax Policy

PUBLISHED 6 March 2009

ETC square-up should not proceed: Dunne

Revenue Minister Peter Dunne has recommended that the proposed introduction of an annual square-up process for calculating the KiwiSaver employer tax credit not proceed. The measure is part of the omnibus taxation bill introduced in July 2008, which is before the Finance and Expenditure Committee. Removing the proposed square-up from the bill would prevent unnecessary compliance costs for employers, since the employer tax credit was repealed in December last year, with effect from 1 April 2009, the Minister said. For more information, see the media statement.

Hon Peter Dunne
Minister of Revenue
Associate Minister of Health

Media Release

Dunne: KiwiSaver employer tax credit square-up should not proceed

Revenue Minister Peter Dunne has recommended the proposed introduction of an annual square-up process for calculating the KiwiSaver employer tax credit not proceed so employers don't face unnecessary compliance costs.

The proposed change is part of the Taxation (International Taxation, Life Insurance, and Remedial Matters) Bill, introduced in July 2008, and which is still before Parliament. The amendment was intended to apply from 1 April this year for employer contributions made from 1 April last year.

"The employer tax credit was repealed in December last year, with effect from 1 April 2009, so I don't think it is reasonable to expect employers to incur the costs of developing systems to apply the square-up for one year only," Mr Dunne said.

"Inland Revenue has consulted with a number of employers on the matter and has reported that most think that, on compliance cost grounds, it wouldn't be worth claiming the square-up.

"The Government also believes that the amendment shouldn't proceed.

"I have therefore written a letter to Craig Foss, the chairman of the Finance and Expenditure Committee, recommending that the proposed square-up process be removed from the Bill," he said.


Mark Stewart | Press Secretary | Office of Hon Peter Dunne
Cell +64 21 243 6985 |