Public feedback sought on draft BEPS guidance
Following the enactment of the Taxation (Neutralising Base Erosion and Profit Shifting) Act earlier this year, Inland Revenue is now issuing draft guidance material to help taxpayers comply with the new legislation. Our intention is that the information that we provide is useful and (given the technical nature of the material) as clear and understandable as possible. The draft special reports cover the new rules aimed at:
- Interest limitation
- Hybrid mismatch arrangements
- Transfer pricing
- Permanent establishment avoidance, and
- Administrative measures
To help ensure that the coverage of these topics is useful to the public, we are providing this in draft format for public feedback. This will allow readers to see the form of the guidance, the direction it takes and the level of detail. Readers will be able to gauge for themselves what areas more explanation is required.
We will use feedback on this draft material to improve the content and presentation of the material. The finalised guidance will be published early in the new year.
Send your comments or questions to [email protected] with “BEPS draft guidance” in the subject line.
Alternatively, send your comments to:
BEPS draft guidance
C/- Deputy Commissioner Policy and Strategy
Inland Revenue Department
P O Box 2198
Wellington 6140
The closing date for comments is 28 September 2018.