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Inland Revenue

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This website contains the latest tax policy updates, including announcements, publications and details on tax-related bills. It also provides information on tax treaties, such as double tax agreements and exchange agreements. Read more
This website contains the latest tax policy updates, including announcements. Read more

Tax policy news

Feedback sought on draft Order in Council modifying GST adjustment rules
26 July 2024

Inland Revenue has become aware of a technical error following changes to simplify the GST adjustment rules in 2023. The error prevents some taxpayers who acquired an asset before 1 April 2023 from using the simplified one step adjustment calculation when there was a permanent change of use of that asset on or after 1 April 2023.

The draft Order in Council, which aims to provide a temporary remedy to the error, is provided for public feedback.  A permanent solution will be included in an upcoming taxation bill.Submissions are due by 12 August 2024. 

Please address submissions to [email protected] with 'Modification to GST adjustment rules' in the subject line.  

Special Report - Taxation (Budget) Measures 2024
26 June 2024
Inland Revenue has produced a Special Report covering three measures in the recently enacted Taxation (Budget Measures) Act 2024. It provides information on the personal income tax threshold changes, increases to Working for Families tax credits and a remedial change to the research and development tax incentive.  For more information, see the Special Report.
Special Report - Deemed Rate of Return for the 2023-24 income year set
06 June 2024
The deemed rate of return for taxing foreign investment fund interests has been set at 8.63% for the 2023-24 income year. The rate came into effect on the 6th of June 2024. For more information, see the Special Report.
Budget Bill passes
31 May 2024

The Taxation (Budget Measures) Bill was passed today in the House. The Bill contains measures announced in the Government’s 2024 Budget, including changes to personal income tax thresholds, adjustments to tax credits, Family Boost and an increase to the student loan interest rate for overseas based borrowers.

The new legislation now awaits Royal assent. Inland Revenue will provide detailed coverage of the new measures in an upcoming Tax Information Bulletin.

Budget Bill introduced
30 May 2024

The Minister of Finance today introduced the Taxation (Budget Measures) Bill into the House. The Bill contains measures announced in today’s Budget, including changes to personal income tax thresholds, adjustments to tax credits, Family Boost and an increase to the student loan interest rate for overseas based borrowers. For details, on these, see:

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Information releases

View the latest information releases available (includes Cabinet papers, minutes, and key supporting papers for tax policy related decisions).

Tax Working Group (2017–2019)

For the terms of reference, news, reports, and other information see the Tax Working Group website. (This site is now archived.)

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